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Profil Perusahaan


A Global Presence

Kantor di 4 Negara
Lebih dari 200.000 klien secara global (Desember 2014)

United Kingdom

Hirose Financial UK Ltd.
Business Address: Salisbury House 29 Finsbury Circus London EC2M 5QQ
Registered Office Address: Salisbury House 29 Finsbury Circus London EC2M 5QQ
Company Registration Number : 7423885
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA registration number 540244

Hong Kong

Hirose Financial Ltd.
Payment System : Lion Pay
33rd Floor, Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Company Registration Number : 2175077
Telephone : +60-07-3384-545

Hirose Trading HK Ltd.
Level 19, Cheung Kong Center,
2 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Company Registration Number : 1775212


Hirose Tusyo Inc.
MG Building, 1-3-19 Shinmachi, Nishi-Ku, Osaka-Shi, Osaka, Japan
Company Registration Number :1200-01-106932
Authorised and regulated by Kinki Finance Bureau Ministry of Finance in Japan, Registration #41

JFX Corporation Ltd.
1-12-7 Shintomi, Chuoku, Tokyo, 104-0041, Japan
Company Registration Number : 0100-010123038
Authorised and regulated by Kanto Finance Bureau Ministry of Finance in Japan, Registration #238


Hirose Financial MY Ltd.
Level 2, Lot 19, Lazenda Commercial Centre, Phase 3, 87007 F.T. Labuan, Malaysia.
Company Registration Number : LL11365
Authorised and regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority, FSA registration number MB/15/0006

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